Our Story

In the wake of the 2016 election many of us, even those with no previous experience in politics, felt an urgent need to take action. But navigating the vast landscape of volunteer opportunities on one’s own could be confusing and overwhelming: What are the highest priority races? How can I help most effectively? How will I know what to do? Who will be there volunteering with me?

So we set out to help those who felt paralyzed by the process of political volunteering, by providing an easy, accessible, and fun way to get involved in important elections. Since then, we’ve fostered a tight-knit community of dedicated volunteers who’ve knocked on thousands of doors and made millions of calls to voters across the country.

There is still an enormous amount of work to be done to repair our democracy and build a better future for this country. We’ll be doing this important work for years to come, ensuring that anyone who wants to get involved in electoral politics has a welcoming home for taking action.

Our Team

We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences—mostly outside the realm of politics! We, like you, are citizens who care deeply about our country and are committed to driving change through direct action.


Alex Kramer
Founder, Executive Director

Lee Taglin
Head of Operations

Mike Adkins
Founder, Head of Product & Finance

Elena Scott
Founder, Creative Director

Field Team
Francesca Carpanini
Coby Getzug
Daniel Plimpton
Ariane Rinehart
Tory Trowbridge
Kate Villanova

Development Lead
Emily Simoness

Volunteer Leaders
John Bachir
Anna Baryshnikov
Katie Birenboim
Allie Browne
Ben Chodos
Bianca Crudo
Wendy DeWolf
Rosie DiVincenzo
Miles Lennon
Brie Lermitte
Sammi Leroy
Charlie Polinger
Bella Pori
Kaley Ronayne
Jeffrey Star
Eloise True