Our Mission

Who We Are

Knock for Democracy is energizing a new generation of committed political volunteers through high-impact phone banking and canvassing experiences that are easy, accessible, and community-driven.

What We Do

We’ve transformed political volunteering from an every-so-often obligation into a regular, empowering social practice, providing campaigns and local organizations with the reliable support they need to upend results in tightly contested elections.

Why We Do It

Through our work, we hope to elect leaders and empower majorities that reflect and champion the needs of all people in this country, especially those who have been historically left behind by public policy and government action. We believe that effective change is only possible when we can all actively and consistently participate in the political process. By encouraging participation in the form of empathetic and listening-based conversations with people from all walks of life, we have the capacity to repair and restore a healthy, thriving democracy.


1. Direct Action
We focus on talking to voters directly, the most effective way to change hearts and minds… and electoral outcomes.

2. Logistical Ease   
We prepare a pre-vetted menu of volunteer opportunities, so all you have to do is pick what works best for your schedule.

3. Empowered Volunteers
We provide detailed trainings to get you up to speed on the candidates and make sure you can feel confident discussing the issues.

4. Local Connection
We assess and select races where your time will have the biggest impact, and plan our events alongside local campaign and organization infrastructure.

5. Vibrant Community
We foster an inclusive, positive community, made up of experienced and new volunteers alike, that keeps people coming back time and time again.

6. Political Optimism
We believe politics should be rooted in human connection. The more we engage with fellow citizens (including those with different views), the healthier our democracy will be.